Berry Hill Farm Store

Open Every Saturday Afternoon

Store Hours: 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

21136 Highway 40 Loranger, LA 70446

985-320-6866  (Sandy)

Now you are be able to purchase all

our fresh farm products on the farm.

What’s at the Farm Store this week?

Saturday, January 11th, 2025

This week will include fresh vegetables such as kale, cilantro, parsley, cauliflower, broccoli, sage, and cabbage.

Fresh Raw Milk from our Licensed Dairy

Fresh Yard Eggs

Grass fed, grass finished, antibiotic free angus beef.

All our Farmers Market Products. CLICK HERE for a compete list of products.

About our Farm Store

Store Open Dates and Times

  • 1/4/2025       Saturday          1:30 PM until 4:00 PM

  • 1/11/2025       Saturday          1:30 PM until 4:00 PM

  • 1/18/2025      Saturday          1:30 PM until 4:00 PM

  • 1/25/2025     Saturday          1:30 PM until 4:00 PM

Store Location    

Berry Hill Farm 21136 Highway 40 Loranger, LA 70446

985-320-6866  (Sandy)

Look for the big white Berry Hill Farm barn.

Cash not accepted for security reasons. Credit cards, Square, and Venmo only.

 Why a farm store?

Recently, several of you have opted to come by the farm and pick up products.  Perhaps because it is more convenient and perhaps because you like coming to our farm.  We enjoy people coming to the farm.  Having a farm store gives us more opportunities to show people a working farm.  One of our objectives is to help people understand where their food comes from.  During the farm store hours, we will be available to tell you about the farm and you can see firsthand our diary herd, our grass fed antibiotic free beef herd, our winter vegetable garden, our chickens, our on farm creamery and much more.  We look forward to this new opportunity.

What do we sell in the Berry Hill Farm Store?

We will be selling all of products we sell at the farmer’s markets.  You can visit our Farmer’s Market Website to see the complete list.

Visit Berry Hill Farm in Loranger, Louisiana to pick up your favorite farm goods!

Have Questions?
(985) 320-6866

About Our Farm Store